Behind the Headlines: The lessons of Sinai

Behind the Headlines: The lessons of Sinai

    The death toll in Thursday night's (Oct 7) terror attacks on two Sinai holiday resorts frequented by Israelis now stands at 32-29 at the Taba Hilton and three at Ras a-Satan. A total of 12 Israelis were killed and over 120 wounded.

    Terrorists have struck once again in the territory of a Muslim Arab country. Once again, it is blatantly evident that terrorism does not differentiate among countries, peoples, or religions. Turkey, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Spain, and Russia – these are places where terrorism has operated on the basis of one single ideology: hatred. Hatred for the free world, for democratic values, for values that protect human dignity and women's rights, for peace, moderation, and reconciliation.

    Even though it is first and foremost directed against Israel, terrorism is not necessarily only "anti-Israel." It is rather a result of the desire to destroy the free world, or Western culture, or any attempt by other cultures to live in peace or to establish a constructive dialogue with this culture.

    Tens of thousands of Israelis who have chosen the Sinai coast as a place to spend the holidays – despite warnings about possible terrorist attacks – as well as thousands of their Egyptian hosts, reflect the strong and courageous will of those who seek peace in the Middle East. They strive for a calm and quiet life in peaceful surroundings, cooperating for the benefit of all the inhabitants of the region. The terrorist attack in Sinai is an assault on all those who search for peace, contentment, and calm in the Middle East.

    For Israel and Egypt, the Taba Hilton represents a bridge of understanding and peace. This despicable terrorist attack precisely on this symbol of peace is an attack on all those who look forward to a better future for the Middle East.